Guide to Nest js Building a REST API with Nest and Node

Nest.js developer

If the video id is found, we get the initial range value from the request headers. Then we’ll use the video details to get the video from the file system. If the video id is not found, the code will throw a NotFoundException error.

  • If the video id is found, we get the initial range value from the request headers.
  • By following these steps and guidelines, you can ensure that your Node.js application is deployed efficiently and maintains high standards of code quality.
  • Join us as we embark on an exciting exploration of Nest.js – one of the most potent and versatile backend development frameworks in the modern tech era.
  • Once the installation of the dependencies is complete, we’ll set up a Nest server for the project.
  • We’ll send a GET request with axios with the videoId in the URL parameter and the user’s token in the request headers for authorization.
  • NestJS framework provides the following common services, and developers focus on business code to build quickly and easily.

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Exception filters in NestJS provide a way to handle errors and exceptions in a centralized manner. They Software development can catch exceptions and transform them into user-friendly responses. Dive into the exciting world of Microservice Architectures and learn how to easily tackle them with the help of NestJS.

Microservice Controller

Open the Componenet/Video/Video.js file and import useNavigation and useParams and axios. We will use useNavigation and useParams to get the id of the video that the user wants to stream. In this code, we destructure setIsLoggedIn from the props and create an errorMessage state to display error messages to users during sign-in. Then, we use the formData API to get user input data from the form text fields and send a post request to the backend using axios. At this point, Nest is now aware that the controllers and services in the app exist.

Nest.js developer

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